The Circular Scrolls



The Circular Scrolls – A Journey of Transformation The Circular Scrolls is a series of seven books which take a journey of transformation. The books chart the life of one particular soul. I have called her Sam and it is her growth and development, psychically and emotionally, the tools she evolves, the choices she makes and the path she pursues that form the framework on which I have hung the spiritual belief that we are director, producer and lead actor in the play of our own lives. Book by book you will want to know where this story is going but never want the journey to end.

Sam is into paths and journeys. You’ll know this if you’ve read Books One and Two of The Circular Scrolls.

By the start of Book Three she knows that she is going to put herself into places and situations, life frames, where she can come to understand, at the deepest possible level, the cyclical nature of LIFE.

There are avenues waiting to be chosen; adventures waiting to be had; all hers for the taking. And in her room, facing an enormous photograph of wild lions, once again she is falling, falling, floating, round and round, like the feather loosed from the wing of a bird… …

And …

Fetches up in a vast empty landscape with grass rolling away into the distance. But this is not English pasture. No. Nor the plains of North America. This is savannah, bush land; except there aren’t any bushes. In the very far distance there are shapes which might have been trees in another life and beyond them a smudge of purple which might have been mountains or hills.

It is like being behind the lens of a powerful camera. The camera zooms in, then refocuses and takes wide-angled shots and she finds herself watching a motion picture being shown through the eyes of an African boy, a film that moves backwards and forwards from the past to the present through the lens of his mind. She can form a question in reaction to what she sees and he projects a response from his memories and his feelings.

Alone, behind the camera, with a boy and a lot of things with teeth she finds herself faced with a new challenge.. Was this the way it was going to be? Plodding along, doing something mundane, just mooching home from school, having a pee, and then, Wham! back in a dream world, like falling down a black hole.(With your knickers round your ankles? Hell!) Would she find that suddenly an image would hit her out of the blue and she would have no choice but to pursue it?

Panic sets in – and – enter Kevin- stage left…

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